myPOS blog Tips

5 Industries myPOS Is Most Popular In

myPOS is suitable for literally any business out there in need of taking payments. Do you have a multi-store retail chain? myPOS will help you! Are you a single artist doing art commissions online and selling your art at conventions? myPOS is here to make the process easy! But, naturally, just like with anything, some industries use the solution more often than others, and as such attract more clients. But which industries trust myPOS the most, and what exactly drew them to us? Let’s take a peek at the numbers and figure out the top 5 most popular industries among myPOS merchants!

5. Leisure and Recreation

If the old saying of “all work and no play made Jack a dull boy” is true, then the leisure and recreation industry is probably the most important one of all! Whether it’s a movie theatre, a spa, a beauty salon or even something more extreme like, say, paragliding, the leisure industry has been spreading like wildfire, and with that growth comes the need for a quick, instant and convenient payment acceptance solutions. It’s no wonder that 4,000 businesses have trusted us, given the fact that we not only provide them with the means to reliably charge consumers both in person and online, but also have no monthly or annual fees whatsoever.

Given the fact that many leisure businesses are heavily seasonal (you won’t see too many people playing paintball in 10 cm snow, as awesome as the idea actually sounds now that we thought about it), a solution which charges monthly just isn’t very viable for them – why pay for a service you’re not using, you’re literally losing money! But given that myPOS only charges a small percentage of each transaction instead of a recurring fee, any leisure business, whether it’s a bungee jumping company that operates for 2 months a year or a hair salon that’s open for 11, can easily take time off without any kind of loss at all!

4. Food and Beverage

Food isn’t just something we like – it’s a necessity for life, and so we’re pretty lucky to have restaurants, food stands, bars and other places that make the food we need to keep living taste amazing! But, in this world of digital currency, where everyone has a card in their pocket and many prefer the speed and convenience of a digital payment to the slog of counting cash, the amount of food businesses that accept cards is surprisingly small.

A lot of restaurants are realizing the same thing, which is why thousands have started turning to myPOS to help them accept payments for meals. And why shouldn’t they? myPOS’ tipping feature allows waiters to receive tips anyway, just as they would have with cash, but a lot more safe and secure – and all on the books, too! Each individual waiter can keep track of their own tips, as well as the tables they served independently of their colleagues, thanks to Multi-Operator Mode, which allows everyone who uses the terminal to log in with their unique code. Many of myPOS’ terminals are also small and portable, ensuring that waiters can easily carry them in their pockets or just pick them up from a stand without much difficulty.

3. Hotels and Hospitality

Have you, as a consumer, ever thought about just how many ways you can pay for a hotel reservation? You can pay in cash once you get there, you can pay with your card, at some fancy hotels you can even pay online or over the phone! Now think of the same thing from the point of view of the owner of a small hotel, or motel, or B&B. Suddenly the many ways in which hotels accept payments turn out to be a competitive challenge that keeps smaller businesses from being unable to compete. If you’re the owner of, say, a modest holiday home somewhere in the countryside, you can’t reasonably offer clients the chance to pay online or over the phone… Or can you?

Yes, the reason that over 5000 hospitality businesses have trusted myPOS over the last 5 years is precisely because we make all these transactions easy and convenient! Got a call from a customer who wishes to pre-pay a reservation? Send a Payment Request to their phone or e-mail allowing them to do it online! They don’t know how? It’s okay, ask them for their card details and charge them through the Virtual Terminal even if they’re still nowhere near you. And if they have already arrived, no worries – you can always have a terminal in your pocket or on the counter, ready to accept payments. Sure, perhaps you’re not a large 5-star hotel… But at least you can accept payments like one!

2. Taxi and Transportation

As the world is slowly going cashless, it should be no surprise at all that our second biggest industry is none other than the taxi and transport one. After all, dealing with cash has always been a huge hassle for both customers and merchants – clients can’t always pre-plan how much money to bring with them, given the fact that the price of a trip largely depends upon traffic and route taken (neither of which can be accurately predicted), while taxi drivers need to worry about counting coins and notes, storing them in a safe place where they won’t be stolen, explaining every business expense made to their employer… It can get tiresome for everyone, and it doesn’t need to be!

The fact that myPOS’ solution was adopted by thousands of taxi companies means that drivers are just as fed up with these inconveniences as clients. After all, a portable POS terminal solves so many of these issues – no more counting notes and coins, all the driver needs to do is input the price and let the client swipe their card! Because of the built-in data SIM card, the payment can be processed anywhere, and thanks to our unique instant settlement feature the payment will end up in the merchant’s account instantly! And what do you know, every terminal also comes with a free debit card that allows drivers to instantly withdraw funds from their account they need it, or pay for stuff like gas or car wash without having to rely on cash!

1. Retail and Stores

There is no industry in the world more essential than retail – it’s what our entire society has been built upon for literally millennia! Sure, we have gradually shifted from “give grain for cow” to “swipe this piece of plastic over this gadget for your neatly packaged, fully safe to eat milk”, but the principle remains the same! Indeed, with our society gradually shifting to digital currency, it’s almost impossible to enter a big store and not find POS terminals sitting idly by the cash registers. But what about the smaller stores, the ones that can’t afford to rent a dozen terminals from banks and pay their monthly fee? What about the “mom and pop shops”, the kind that sell vegetables they grew themselves or items they have personally crafted? What about the businesses operated by just a few people, importing or exporting goods for sale, or handling the distribution of a niche product? Are they doomed to remain POS-less?

Well, as a matter of fact, myPOS was created specifically to address their needs – and with that in mind, it’s really hard not to see why tens of thousands of retail merchants across Europe have trusted us with their business. The fact that our terminals are extremely affordable, require no regular payments and are not bound to any long-term contracts is definitely a huge draw, but another big reason why so many merchants have trusted us is the range of other services which are completely unrelated to the terminals. For example, retailers can very easily create PayButtons and PayLinks or a shopping cart solution and have clients pay online with myPOS! Or sell their own branded GiftCards and let their products reach more customers without any additional investment. Indeed, myPOS – despite its name – isn’t just a POS solution, it’s an all-encompassing payment solution which caters to a merchant’s every payment need! And ultimately, that’s what made thousands of merchants across so many industries trust us!

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