The evolution of kiosks and vending machines thanks to new payment technology
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The evolution of kiosks and vending machines thanks to new payment technology

Automation is no longer purely focused in the industrial sector. Machines have also made a strong entrance into the business world and the public sector, successfully serving consumers with a wide variety of products and services – from fast food and beverages to issuing parking vouchers and insurance policies.

The advantages that automated machines have over humans are obvious – more convenience as a result of no fixed working hours, a faster service, and lower staff expenses, which ultimately lead to lower prices for the end client.

Solutions such as automated machines, kiosks, and vending machines may not be something new on the European market but they are currently seeing a new upswing thanks to innovative payments technology. Besides cash, consumers can now use a range of payment methods to purchase a hot drink or pay for a service.

myPOS, the European payment solution for SMEs, is increasingly successful in supporting the automated services sector by providing machine-integrated POS terminals, which allow payments to be made using a card or a contactless device.

Food and beverage vending machines are among the most popular in usage. Over the past year, myPOS has created key partnerships with businesses from various markets and in the field and has given consumers the comfort of making card payments when buying a snack or a drink from an automated machine. This was made possible thanks to one of myPOS’ most popular POS terminals – the myPOS Mini. Two examples of such partnerships are the Portugal platform Luope and the Italian platform Sirio Vending both of which facilitate software integrations for vending machines, thus reducing operational cos and increasing productivity for vendors.

Food, however, is certainly not the only product or service that can be purchased via a machine. Bulgarian companies NRJSoft and Qntra Technology offer parking management systems, which automatically recognise and count cars. Electronic payments are now available too via myPOS’ new payment solution – myPOS Integra. myPOS Integra is a multifunctional payment device, specifically designed for self-service facilities, which accepts payments via all card types, contactless devices and e-wallets.

The diversity of automated services certainly doesn’t end here.

The Dutch-Bulgarian company Virtual Broker operates on the insurance market and reports a downward trend in the market as a result of the cumbersome procedures, heavy documentation, and the fast-paced lifestyle of those in need of insurance. To offer a solution, Virtual Broker has created a digital insurance platform which is accessible via kiosks. The kiosks are positioned in key locations such as airports, border checkpoints, gas stations, and more. Travelers can get insurance at any given moment, if needed.  Thanks to the integration of myPOS Integra, they can make a payment on the spot without having to worry about carrying cash in their wallet.

The above mentioned are just a few examples of technology-sophisticated payment solutions, which certainly offer an extra level of comfort in different parts of our lives. If your idea of a POS device is still a machine that sits on top of a cash counter, then it is maybe time to reconsider the full potential of fintech solutions. From pocket-sized terminals for taxi drivers and food delivery men, to integrated devices for vending machines and kiosks, myPOS helps every business grow by making payments possible at any time and any place.

To choose the best POS terminal for your business or learn more about the diversity of myPOS’ payment solutions visit

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