myPOS blog Tips

The perfect solution for beauty, hairdressing and tattoo businesses

There are hardly any ventures that like to lose clients and beauty, hairdressing and tattoo businesses are not an exception.

But how can they attract and more importantly keep customers, apart from offering fast and excellent services, fair prices, great locations and even a friendly attitude?

The answer is simple. They must also be great at accepting payments.

As an owner of such a business the question you would ask then would be “What does that mean and what should I do?”

Here’s the answer – to become great at payments just get a POS terminal.

With technologies delving deeper in our lives by the day, more and more people consider cash obsolete, preferring to pay by card.

Any business that does not support card payments will surely be thought of as behind the times not to mention the inconvenience customers feel when they cannot pay in their preferred way.

So getting a POS terminal is crucial nowadays as it acts as another way of offering great customer satisfaction while on the job and extends the admirable services you already offer.

Of course, it wouldn’t be realistic to say that you can only rely on a POS device to attract visitors and move your business forward.

There are a variety of tips and tricks for an unmatched salon experience that can make your business more noticeable and appealing to clients.

But how can a POS terminal boost your beauty, hairdressing or tattoo business and what are its benefits? And which model should you choose?

Now close your eyes and imagine the perfect POS terminal for your salon.

It comes with all the features your business would ever need and all this arrives at a very fair price. It is also compact and can be easily carried in case of need.

Apart from allowing you to finally accept card payments, it also gives you another payment channel to work with, makes a lot of your clients happy and most importantly boosts your revenue.

man holding beard and pos terminal

But there’s more – this POS terminal does not require you to sign long-term contracts and pay monthly or yearly fees.

All you need to pay for using it is one small fee per transaction and that’s it!

Furthermore this POS service gives you a FREE merchant account where you can see all the transactions made through your POS terminal, instant access to your money unlike banks which require you to wait 2-3 business days before you can have YOUR money and a FREE business debit card that you can use to access your funds with and pay bills like any other debit card.

On top of all this you get a Top-up function to recharge prepaid phones with and make extra money, an opportunity to create your own gift cards to boost both your clientele and revenue with them, and Payment Request – another innovative feature that lets your customers pay in advance for a haircut if they feel like it.

The POS terminal can also issue customized receipts and can even accept tips from happy customers. And this is not everything!

Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Well, it is not fantasy but reality, right now, right here.

To get such a POS terminal and experience all these features and beyond, just contact us – the leading European card payment solutions provider myPOS – at [email protected] and we will be more than happy to help you select the right POS terminal for you and your beauty salon.

Accepting card payments and boosting your revenue? With myPOS it’s as easy as that!

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