Fees for myPOS account
myPOS sąskaitos atidarymas yra nemokamas. Nėra jokių mėnesinių ar metinių aptarnavimo mokesčių, prekybininkas moka tik už naudojamas paslaugas. Mokesčiai už myPOS paslaugas pateikiami myPOS paskyroje, kiekvieno puslapio apačioje, poraštėje.
Mastercard Business kortelė išduodama nemokamai, apmokestinamos tik operacijos, atliktos kortele. Operacijų ir pinigų išgryninimo komisiniai mokesčiai nurodyti myPOS paskyroje. Svarbu žinoti, kad myPOS išduotos Mastercard Business kortelės mokesčiai nustatomi, atsižvelgiant į kortelės valiutą. Todėl, skirtingoms kortelėms, susietoms su prekybininko sąskaita, bus taikomi skirtingi mokesčiai.
Mokesčiai už įsigytas myPOS paslaugas pateikiami myPOS paskyroje, kiekvieno puslapio poraštėje. Mokesčiai yra išskaidyti į internetinių paslaugų įsigijimo ir POS terminalo įsigijimo mokesčius.
Account Service Fees:
Merchant account with IBAN | Free of charge |
Monthly fee | Free of charge |
Annual fee | Free of charge |
Funding and Internal transfers:
Incoming and Outgoing Internal transfers | Free of charge |
Transfer money between own accounts | Free of charge |
Funding via Bank transfer | Free of charge |
Outgoing transfers to bank accounts:
SEPA transfer | 4.00 EUR |
SEPA Instant Transfer | 4.00 EUR |
Transfer in CHF currency | 4.00 EUR |
Transfer in GBP currency | 4.00 EUR |
Transfer in BGN currency | 4.00 EUR |
Transfers in other currencies within EEA, UK and Switzerland1 | 4.00 EUR |
International Transfer in All currencies - SHA | 0.250%, Min. 9.00 EUR |
International Transfer in All currencies - OUR | 1.000%, Min. 14.90 EUR |
Transfer related fees:
Request for cancellation / return of a payment - pending transfer2 | 25.00 EUR |
Request for cancellation or return of payment for executed outgoing bank transfer | 75.00 EUR + any fees charged by the Correspondent Bank |
Transfer to incorrect IBAN and/or BIC code | 10.00 EUR |
Investigation of payment operation - SEPA | 25.00 EUR |
Investigation of payment operation3 | 75.00 EUR + any fees charged by the Correspondent Bank |
SEPA Direct Debit Processing | 0.50 EUR |
Refund of SEPA Direct Debit Payment4 | 1.00 EUR |
Payment related fees:
Payment via myPOS Online / iDEAL | 0.30 EUR |
Refund for Online Payment / iDEAL | 0.25 EUR |
Refund from Account | Free of charge |
Request for Cancellation or Return of payment | 10.00 EUR |
Other fees:
No-cooperation Fee5 | 75.00 EUR |
Inactivity Fee6 | 15.00 EUR |
No Acquiring Fee7 | 30.00 EUR |
E-money redemption upon closing of an account | Free of charge |
Notification via text message8 | 0.10 EUR |
Paper statement or additional information/requests on transactions and balance | 5.00 EUR |
1. The fee applies for transfers within EEA, UK and Switzerland in any of the following currencies: CZK, DKK, HUF, ISK, NOK, PLN, RON, SEK
2. This fee is also charged when a credit transfer to your account fails due to incorrect payment or beneficiary information. If the transfer amount is less than 25 EUR, we will not attempt to return the funds.
3. For investigations commencing after 3 months of original transaction date, we will communicate the charges after receiving the information from the Correspondent Bank.
4. You can request a refund of a SEPA Direct Debit debited within a period of eight weeks after the execution date and of any unauthorized transaction after eight weeks and up to thirteen months after the payment
5. This is not a standard fee. The fee is charged in the exceptional cases where your account has been blocked because you have not provided us with documents which we are required to have by law within a certain period of time, or because of any breach on your side which was not rectified within a reasonable time frame. In such a case, we will send 2-months’ prior notice before applying the fee.
6. This is not a standard fee. The fee is charged in exceptional cases, in particular, if you have not made any valid transactions for 10 consecutive months. In such a case, we will send 2-months’ prior notice before applying the fee.
7. This is not a standard fee. The fee is charged in exceptional cases, particularly if you have not made any acquiring transactions for 10 consecutive months. In such a case, we will send 2-months’ prior notice before applying the fee.
8. Other fees can be imposed by Client Mobile services provider.
Fees for myPOS card
myPOS Business kortelė išduodama nemokamai, apmokestinamos tik kortele atliktos operacijos.
Account Service Fees:
Main card issuance | Free of charge |
Additional card issuance (after first card) | 5.00 EUR |
First Card reissuing (expired card) | Free of charge |
Additional Card reissuing (expired card) | 5.00 EUR |
Card reissuing (lost, stolen, damaged card)1 | 10.00 EUR |
Transaction fees:
ATM cash withdrawal in BGN | |
(Amount of withdrawal in EUR or its exchange value in foreign currency at the date of transaction) | |
≤ 300.00 EUR | 2.00 EUR |
> 300.00 EUR | 4.00 EUR |
ATM cash withdrawal in EUR | |
(Amount of withdrawal in EUR or its exchange value in foreign currency at the date of transaction) | |
≤ 300.00 EUR | 2.00 EUR |
> 300.00 EUR | 4.00 EUR |
ATM cash withdrawal in EU | |
(Amount of withdrawal in EUR or its exchange value in foreign currency at the date of transaction) | |
≤ 300.00 EUR | 2.00 EUR |
> 300.00 EUR | 4.00 EUR |
Domestic ATM cash withdrawal (Switzerland) | |
(Amount of withdrawal in EUR or its exchange value in foreign currency at the date of transaction) | |
≤ 300.00 EUR | 2.00 EUR |
> 300.00 EUR | 4.00 EUR |
ATM Cash withdrawal2 | 1.000% + 4.00 EUR |
POS cash withdrawal in BGN | |
(Amount of withdrawal in EUR or its exchange value in foreign currency at the date of transaction) | |
≤ 300.00 EUR3 | 2.00 EUR |
> 300.00 EUR3 | 4.00 EUR |
POS cash withdrawal in EUR | |
(Amount of withdrawal in EUR or its exchange value in foreign currency at the date of transaction) | |
≤ 300.00 EUR3 | 2.00 EUR |
> 300.00 EUR3 | 4.00 EUR |
POS cash withdrawal3 | 1.000% + 3.00 EUR, Min. 5.00 EUR |
Payment on POS | Free of charge |
Internet payments | Free of charge |
Check balance on ATM | 0.50 EUR |
Declined transaction at ATM | Free of charge |
Initiating chargeback procedure fee | 15.00 EUR |
1. Not applicable in case of replacing defect card/tag for which Issuer is responsible.
2. Amount of withdrawal in EUR or its exchange value in foreign currency at the date of transaction
3. The POS Operator can charge additional fees.
Aptarnavimo (acquiring) paslaugų sąlygos skiriasi priklausomai nuo šalies ir industrijos. Užpildykite ir nusiųskite užklausą myPOS komandai ir mes jums atsiųsime suderintą pasiūlymą.